Wednesday, December 16, 2009

First Day

Starting all over again at E’Studios - It’s his first day on a make-believe island, the second of ten, at the onset of his fourteenth year winning the Gates Prize, sending himself off to his imaginary printmaking world in Emeralda Region. This requires an introduction so he writes another one. 514 Words. es091216. ©2009 Bill Ritchie. Full Text by email request:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fourth Place

Meeting up in a changed world - The “third place” was popular in the last century to describe a place between work and home, like a stop at the tavern or coffee shop to see friends, gossip or maybe do a little business. There is a fourth place today in cyberspace, as artists go virtual. 1231 Words. es091201. ©2009 Bill Ritchie. Full text by email request: